With the aim of bringing science and culture to the community, and highlight the historical and geographical value of Calama, the Natural History Museum and Cultural the Atacama Desert, dependent Corporation of Culture and Tourism Calama , continuously receives visits, which average 3 5 0 people monthly.

Although samples are suitable for everyone, most visitors are student delegations from the 2nd region, accompanied by teachers who arrive at the museum in order to complement and deepen contents.

This is the case of the 4th A course of the “Escuela 21 de Mayo” (21th May School), which reached the premises of the institution at the end of August. “We came to reinforce what we are seeing in class with the students, in a way very motivating way for them, the experience is really good, because contextualize the theory from classes to an open reality “explains the teacher Adriana Puentes

The opinion of the teacher is shared by her students, who throughout the tour were very curious and excited. “I liked everything because it gives you a lot of knowledge. I suggest that all children come here to learn,” says Leonardo who is 10. His impressions are similar to those of his partner Abril, who regretted not having taken his cell phone to take pictures of everything. ” everything looks so nice! The birds, and especially the dinosaurs. I had never seen how they were so I want to return with my family, soon” declares the minor.

The interest expressed by the students, when visiting the rooms that encompass wonders of nature, mineralogy and land formation, Jurassic geology, Pleistocene and current fauna, is supported by an organized guided tour. “They come to discover and be impressed. The idea is that they are internalized, and that they also leave with concerns, which may lead them to become interested in any of these areas in the future. That is why we show these animals, which have been found now, after millions of years of permanence on our planet. The aim is that they see these advances and motivate them to contribute to the investigation also”, says Ana Vásquez, Head of Administration and Guide.

Therefore, with the idea of ​​enhancing curiosity based on a regional and personalized focus support, they are able to adapt each of the samples to the different audience attending. This action is valued by teachers, such as Gloria Álvarez, from “Andrés Bello School”, who along with other colleagues went to the museum with a group of 34 students from 1st grade. “We are working with all the elements of the northern zone, so we came up with the idea of ​​deepening it by looking specifically at those who live in our area. I did not know the museum, so I told the students to come and see animals, and as I have found dinosaurs, I am as fascinated as they are with this unique experience,” explains the Generalist Professor. “It is very effective and meaningful for them to be able to go out to the field, and see in a more practical way, everything we project as an image in the room since you live it in a different way”, she states.

Just like Gloria, her little students were amazed throughout the tour. “I really liked the Tyrannosaurus Rex. I’ve always imagined it, because I love it and here, I saw it and I could learn more from it. That is why I would recommend other children to come and find things that existed many years ago, such as minerals, for example,” says Fernando, 6 years old.

The invitation he extends is backed by his partner Neha, who also recognizes that this is the first museum he visits in the city. “I thought it was spectacular, everything is very nice, dinosaurs, their skulls, knowing how the planet formed, seeing animals and everything. I would tell everyone to come to know things that they are going to love,” explains the 7-year-old girl, making it clear that the role of the agency that seeks to relieve research in earth and life sciences, rescuing local heritage , it is fully fulfilled .